Welcome to our E-Café Assessment!

This assessment was developed as part of the E-Café project. The aim of this project is to train low-skilled or disadvantaged people in entrepreneurship and support them to start their own business.

The EntreComp Framework serves as the basis for the assessment. This comprehensive reference framework was developed by the European Commission as part of the European Skills Agenda. EntreComp creates a common understanding of entrepreneurship and identifies the competences that make someone an entrepreneur.

GDPR - We take data security seriously

The answers you provide will not be passed on to any other third parties and will only be processed for the purpose of evaluating the data. Of course, you can request information about the status of your processed data at any time and ask us to delete your data at any time. We will comply with this request at short notice and confirm this to you after deletion. 

Personal Data

Following this assessment, we would like to provide you with personalised feedback. For this, we need your personal data. You can also continue with the assessment if you do not provide us with your data - then you can download the feedback report unpersonalised.